Friday, 22 October 2021

I am not well

A reminder. One's weakness may be a strength. One's strength may be a pitfall.

When we get tested with what we perceive as unjustified hardship, it may be difficult to appreciate them as opportunities, even with forms of blessing from God's Gentleness and Wisdom.

Hidayah comes from Him, and it exists in souls that still have the littlest goodness. Riddled emotions are signs of His Mercy. The inner compass calibrates itself to find Truth. It is important to be real and pay attention to the little cracks. Find our own ways, through solitude and silence. The inner spring flows differently for everyone

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021


The Most Wise and Most Merciful has beautiful ways to show His Promise.

A few days ago on the way to work, I soaked in the subtle mist of evaporating dews, refracting the frequencies of morning light onto a stretch of yellowflames. A common view that speaks to those who listens with their sight, I feel.

I teared a little while listening to the playlist of reminders. Interesting for a heart to soften in gratitude, during hardship.


That night, I received a call from my Director, informing me of my promotion.