2day's prefect-newcomers training turned out very well.
Gd example shown by the current sec2's. Well done guys.
At 12, sec1,2,3s played 'virus'. Damien and I stick 2gether thruout the entire game.
For those hu don't know hw to play virus - It's lyk catching but once the catcher caught you,
you and the catcher will hunt for the uncaught ppl. You can't trust anyone coz they might already be the catcher. ***There were plenty of very funny moments.
Junior: (came out from nowhere, and started chasing me and damien)
Me:(Points index finger at some direction) Eh! There he is. U (junior), go corner him there. We'll go this way.
Junior: Oh ok. (runs)
Hhahahahahhahaha. Oh, I love mind games.
Played soccer with the VSCB. 2 things-Tiring & Muscle cramps.
Now.... I have to accompany my parents out. I told them not to go but they insist. No choice.
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