Monday, 20 February 2017


It's been more than 24 hours. Jack's doing well. I think he's happy. I hope he's happy. I'm placing him near the kitchen window now, and 2 adult mynas have been calling out to him. Jack's responding very actively with its own chirps. The chirp is a set of 3 to 4 consecutive chirps. I know he misses his parents, and his parents miss him as well. I'll find a way to get you back safely into your nest.

It eats and drinks from my hand. I was pacing around the house when it flew to me and perched itself on my shoulder. Jack is a good friend. My cats (especially Amy) accompanied it last night beside its cage. Jack likes to follow Amy around the house. I've been training it to fly by releasing it from a high place. It slept on my tummy this afternoon. It's nice to have the trust of a tiny creature.

Hang in there Jack.

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