Thursday, 11 September 2008

Reality - The truth

Sometimes we go with the textbooks.
But reality is often an issue for these info-loaded books.

But aren't these books suppose to show you what's real?
I sense that those people hugging their textbooks are those that are hiding the truth from
the people around him/her.

The truth is indeed what is real to us, and we certainly do not have to memorize its contents.
But sadly, some of us memorize them. For what purpose? I really don't know.

Textbooks are supposed to be a guide for you, not as a manual.
So beware of their propagandas.
This is what natural filters are for.


I know political issues are very heavy these days.
Political, in terms of the teens case you know?

Those issues which spreads like verbal wildfire?
If you are ever caught in a situation like this, just ignore those matchsticks.
As they are just flaming themselves away.


Realizing whether a human respects and treat you as their own friends - tough.
I really mean it. But fortunately, even though any human can be masking and filtering his or her actions, it is ultimately what he or she does in front of you, and behind your back.

For the exception of .. a handful of people who have my topmost respect; when they reveal the truth, it is the truth. The revelation of these truths comes in rarely too. And this is certainly not pouring kerosenes on the subject's back and burning him/her alive. It is more to understanding our personal behaviors too.


In short,

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; but the point is to discover them.

Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
If he doesn't want to siam, sing the best song in the world. xD or just simply pour water on him la, so that he can wake up.


(another me hops in with one leg as tho he was playing hopscotch)

I'm alone now. Mom's in hosp.
Nothing much la. She's getting a free wash. =l

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