Sunday, 7 December 2008

And I had it again

Yep, Last night.
I had that dream again.
I wonder if I'm gonna get it tonight.
Wait, nope, that's not possible..

I'm gonna watch Man Utd match at a coffeeshop with my Dad and cousin till 4am!


To tell you the truth, I don't really like to post a continuation of my prev post.
People might think I'm pure crazy or just pure 'outdated' in that field.
You know, the "O.o" expression.

Although I can view things differently, and write it down here,
with nothing in my way, I don't think I want to share those dreams.

Well not here at least.

And no, they're not sick.

I personally believe that blogs are portraits of yourself.
And saying things that might cause disrespect to yourself is as bad as
standing up in class for the wrong reasons. There are so many ways to
view blog owners' personalities and ways of thinking.

I've learnt from that.
It's my mistake.

Try browsing through my archives.

[gosh, I was blog-surfing as i type, and I noticed that someone wrote a similar post as
mine. I shall stop here for now]


Oh, and I hate sweeping statements. Who doesn't?
But there are those who hate them but don't realize that they're using them.

Well, it could be anyone.
Even me, I don't know.
But I'll constantly remind myself.

Could anyone aid me in reminding too? Just spurt it out. Feel free to do so.
I'll thank you for that.

I'll quote this from one of my primary school friend:

"I view it as this way. You're climbing a wall, and you do need the support of
belayers. The rope attached to you, musn't be slacked. It's both the climber's
and the belayers' responsibility to watch out for that.

I view advice as those constant jerks that you'll have when the rope is being pulled.
A reminder, that you're safe, and on track. When there is less reprimand or advice given to you,
it's as bad as a slacked rope. Yuup, It sure is bad."

When an advice is given to us, lower down our pride's walls.
Let it through, and use our filters. It'll help us.

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